Ke (Family, Clans, and Relationships)




  • Me “Shí”
  • My older sister “shádí”
  • My older brother “shínaaí”
  • My younger sister “shideezhí”
  • My younger brother “shitsilí”
  • My mother “Shimá”
  • My father “Shizhé’é”
  • Uncle (mother’s brother) “shiyáázh”
  • Uncle (father’s brother) “shizhé’é yázhí”
  • Aunt (mother’s sister)
  • Aunt (father’s sister)
  • My maternal grandmother “Shimásáni”
  • My maternal grandfather “Shicheii”
  • My paternal grandmother “Shináli Asdząą”
  • My paternal grandfather “Shináli Hastįį”


JANUARY “Yas Nił’ees” Crusting or Icing of Snow

  • It is said January is the time when Navajo’s gather clean snow to melt over a wood stove inside the hogan. The water from melted snow will be used for drinking water and for washing cloths.

FEBRUARY “Atsá Biyáázh” Hatching of Baby Eagles

  • Livestock are very important in Navajo life. From sun up to sun down. Navajo’s main concern is for their flocks. The herding life is hard in winter, when snow blankets the grass and forces herds to wander in constant search for food.

MARCH “Wóózhch’į́į́d” Sound of Baby Eagles

  • The Navajo’s has different kinds of livestock; sheep, goats, cattle and horse. March is the lambing season and the time when other livestock give birth.

APRIL “T’ą́ą́chil” Beginning of Plant and Animal Life

  • This is the time when Navajo’s clean their irrigation ditches and clear the fields by burning off weeds in preparation for Spring planting.

MAY “T’áátsoh” Growth of Plant and Animal Life

  • Shearing of sheep and goats takes place in early May. If sheep and goats are not sheared by this time they will lose their wool. The wool is packed in large burlap sacks to be sold to traders.

JUNE “Ya’iishjááshchilí” Early Planting Time

  • June is the time when Navajo’s plant their early crops – sweet corn, squash and melons. Before they had the plow, Navajo’s used digging sticks for planting.

JULY “Ya’iishjááshtsoh” Sprouting of July Plants

  • July is the time for summer traditional ceremonies. The enemy way ceremony occurs during this time.

AUGUST “Bini’anit’ą́ą́ts’ósí” Maturing of Early Crops

  • Early crops are ripening by this time. Navajo’s continue tending their crops by hoeing weeds’ irrigating and scaring animals and birds from the fields.

SEPTEMBER “Bini’anit’ą́ą́tsoh” Maturing of Late Crops

  • September is the time to harvest. Navajo children return to school. During this time, Navajo women prepare different corn bread – kneel down bread andblue corn bread are some.

OCTOBER “Gháájí’” Dividing of the Seasons

  • October marks the time for shoe games. Shoe games are part of Navajo curing ceremonies. The games are used to teach the young people discipline, endurance and self-respect. All Navajo games have a special meaning that is told in a story. October is also the Beginning of the Navajo calendar.

NOVEMBER “Níłch’its’ósí” Mild Cold and Light Winds

  • The Yei Bi Chei, Fire dance and winter ceremonies take place at this time. The Yei Bi Chei, or Nine Night Chant, is a curing ceremony. The Fire Dance also lasts nine nights and is called the Mountain Top Way.

DECEMBER “Níłch’itsoh” Increasing Cold Winds

  • Navajo Elders tells Coyote stories and other legends to their children at this time. This is the time when Spider Woman is asleep, so string games can now be played.